Lynn for the Animals

We are completely run by volunteers. Our foster parents are the best and none of our efforts would be possible without them. Over the last 4 years 500+ babies have been saved from a kill shelter, vetted and given complete care for any health issues, transported from shelters to fosters to Veterinarian services, and finally adopted to their "forever family".
Except for a few individual donations, most of our funding has come from the FaceBook auctions that we do about every two weeks. Thousands of volunteer hours to help pack the winning items, mail, track and say thank you on a personal basis have made this rescue successful.
Adoptable dogs

Adoption of the week
So this great family with 3 children decided that they had to have a new baby, But they could not decide between Belle and Harry. So...
They took them both. Great decisiion for all concerned.
Adoptable cats

Special Auction Day on FaceBook
Lynn Fortheanimals' Rescue Squad
(click tis link to go to the Facebook Page)